Sunday, May 1, 2016

[2.5] zDots - Time Bomb Update


What's New

- Better UI Design
- New game mode: Time Bomb
- Classic game mode updated
- Dots hitting detection improved
- How to play button is now available in-game



Saturday, April 23, 2016

[2.3] zDots - Social Netowrks Update


What's New

- Integrated Facebook, Google Plus & Google Games
- Added application invitations via Facebook
- Added highscore sharing via Facebook
- Created two separate leaderboards for Level & Score highscores via Google Games
- Created 11 base achievements via Google Games (More to come in the future)


Friday, April 22, 2016

zDots Privacy Policy

Data Collection
By using zDots you are subject to having the following data obtained for appropriate reasons:
Facebook: Public profile information
Google Plus & Google Games: Public profile information

Use of Data
zDots only uses data obtained for app-related purposes. Including but not limited to showing your name on the game screen, sharing your highscores on your wall (with your permission & order) zDots does not save any user-related data except for game scores.

Data Removal
If, for any reason, you wish to have your public data records (Currently only Google Games statistics) removed, feel free to contact us on our Facebook page.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

[Update] zDots v1.1

Get it now! 

zDots is completely free. Get your game via Google Play™

What's New

- Complete textures overhaul, game looks completely different as well as neater
- Adjusted dots size to become more finger-friendly
- Added local high scores
- Removed music and wind sound effect

Friday, April 1, 2016

zDots set to launch

Beta-Release has been changed into v1.0 release
Expect the release to be around anytime in the upcoming 24 hours

Final lookout on what will be on the screens

Wednesday, March 30, 2016